In 2008, It was Bill Clinton being called a racist by Obama and his thugs and the former President shot back with venom and anger at Barack Obama for playing the race card.
"I don’t think I should take any shit from anybody on that, do you?"
Well, Why should Mitt Romney have to take that Shit from a disbarred and impeached liar?
In an interview with Bob Shieffer on CBS, Bill Clinton speaking on behalf of the Obama Campaign said:
" I think that the president’s winning," said Clinton, according to a rush transcript. "And winning in the swing states. I think that the Republican super PACs and the Romney campaign combined will outspend the Democrats probably two-and-a-half, three to one from here on in. And I think, this is the only time I can remember when a lot of the national polls are closer than the polls in the so-called swing states. But, according to Clinton, the outcome of the race depends on whether Republicans will play fair.
"But I think you can’t know because of the enormous financial advantage that Citizens United gave to these Republican super PACs and because of the work they have done and will do on Election Day to try to reduce the number of young people, first generation immigrants, and minorities voting," said Clinton. "And they have worked hard at this. They have a theory that if the election, the people who vote in 2012 look more like the 2010 electorate, then the folks that elected the President in the first place in 2008, that if they can get enough of those folks to stay home, they can still win. So that’s why we got to keep working on it."
Clinton provided no evidence for his claims, and Schieffer did not press him, either.
No Evidence.
This is what Obama likes to call "Silly Season".
If this is a planned attack and if it follows Obama's time tested strategy over the years to have surrogates fling racist charges against his opponents, then dare his opponents to respond thus injecting race in to the campaign and in the end Obama then stays above the fray by failing to condemn the racecard, nor deny he even has an opinion. Mission accomplished. In this case, if it is a planned strategy, Obama is essentially calling in America's previous "first African American President" to wage a knife fight against an opponent that Obama can't seem to wound in a fair fight. Obama is hiding behind granny's apron strings.
Let's look at Clinton when he was the racist.
Clinton made a remark during the SC primaries that Jesse Jackson had done well in 84 and 88 so Hillary faced a tough fight. This might have had some factual relevance and even later in interviews, Obama acknowledged that Jesse's experience demographically did lay a significant model for what Obama might expect, but Obama's people called it racist, because they claimed Clinton was trying to trivialize Obama's campaign as the Black candidate,... not unlike when Obama referred to Palin as "lipstick" on Letterman and that she was an "attractive" candidate.
The step three in the time tested Obama racecard strategy was avoid direct accusation and remain above the fray, but Obama slipped up a few times, once calling McCain by name a racist and in this case, when Clinton pal, ABC's George Stephanopolous tried to set the hook on Obama by asking him if, by what Clinton said, was he in fact a racist. Obama said "That's his frame of reference..." So the answer is yes. Clinton is a racist according to Obama.
STEPHANOPOULOS: And more voters, I think, voted for you last
night than voted in the entire Democratic Party in 2004. Before the
votes were finally counted yesterday, President Clinton was asked why
it was taking both Clintons to handle you in South Carolina. Here's
how he responded to our David Wright.
B. CLINTON: Jesse Jackson won South Carolina twice in '84 and
'88. And he ran a good campaign, and Senator Obama's run a good
campaign here. He's run a good campaign everywhere.
STEPHANOPOULOS: The implication there is pretty clear: You're
the Jesse Jackson of 2008.
OBAMA: Well, you know, Jesse Jackson ran historic races in 1984
and 1988, and there's no doubt that that set a precedent for African
Americans running for the highest office in the land. But, you know,
that was 20 years ago, George.
And I think that what we saw in this election was a shift in
South Carolina that I think speaks extraordinarily well, not just for
folks in the South, but all across the country. I think people want
change. I think they want to get beyond some of the racial politics
that, you know, has been so dominant in the past.
We're very encouraged as we go to the February 5th states.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you think President Clinton was engaging in
racial politics there?
OBAMA: Well, you know, I think that that's his frame of
reference was the Jesse Jackson races. That's when, you know, he was
active and involved and watching what was going to take place in South
Carolina. I think that a lot of South Carolinians looked at it
through a different lens.
And certainly our campaign was confident that if we talked about
the things that people are really trying to deal with on a day-to-day
basis. If we were talking about how to make sure everybody has health
care that they can afford, how people are going to be able to go to
college, making sure that people are able to stay in their homes in
the face of this subprime lending crisis and the larger credit crunch
that we're seeing.
As long as we were focused on those issues, we thought those
would transcend the sort of racial divisions that we've seen in the
STEPHANOPOULOS: But several in the Clinton camp say that it was
your campaign that was playing the race card throughout this primary.
They point to Dick Harpootlian, one of your major supporters in South
Carolina, who said that the Clinton campaign was reminiscent of Lee
They point to the comments of one of your top advisers, Steve
Hildebrand, who said that the Clintons have always put people in a
STEPHANOPOULOS: They look at everything through racial lines,
gender lines, geographic lines. They tend to segment people.
They say that it was your campaign playing the race card.
OBAMA: George, I'm not going to continue sort of the tit-for-
tat. I think that the results yesterday spoke for themselves, that
people wanted to move beyond some of these old arguments, and they
want to look forward to figure out how we pull the country together
and move forward, and that's what we're going to do during the
remainder of this campaign.
Obama will deny that he affirmed Clinton was a racist, but that is his way. When Rush Limbaugh makes a joke about Sandra Fluke asking for funds in order to have sex the equivalent of prostitution,... and mind you Limbaugh is an entertainer and comedian,..suddenly Romney, Bohner, Reince Preibus and all registered Republicans are required to stand before the tribunal and "Distance" themselves from Rush or stand accused of hate crimes. Yet, Obama's official campaign staff, SuperPacs and biggest Donors can say Racist, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, and Sexist slurs, as well as slanders about felonies and killing people's wives and Obama not only fails to distance himself from them, he denies they even happened. Obama doesn't have to call someone a racist, just the hint that someone might be branded a witch, is enough to silence them.
Remember this:
The president first addressed claims that his campaign has called Romney a felon, saying, “Nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon.”
Mr. President, I'd like to introduce you to someone you've never met, this is Stephanie Cutter, She is deputy campaign manager for your reelection campaign. She admires your leadership skills and ability to manage your subordinates.
Clinton has tossed this race card out before on Obama's behalf and even brought it up in his DNC convention speech when he said:
“If you want every American to vote and you think it’s wrong to change voting procedures just to reduce the turnout of younger, poorer, minority and disabled voters, you should support Barack Obama.”
But this recent case was a much more direct accusation. He referred first to "the Republican super PACs and the Romney campaign combined". Then later he accuses "they". He will defend himself in claiming he accused "Super Pacs" as "they". But this is how Obama played tis cat and mouse game with McCain. He would say, "there are Republicans that will say things and do things because I don't look like the Presidents on the dollar bills. They will try to scare you.." It wasn't until he slipped and used McCain's name that the media briefly remarked on it, and then quickly moved on.
Clinton in 2008:
"No, I think that they played the race card on me," said Clinton, "and we now know from memos from the campaign and everything that they planned to do it all along." Listen to the full interview
"We were talking about South Carolina political history and this was used out of context and twisted for political purposes by the Obama campaign to try to breed resentment elsewhere. And you know, do I regret saying it? No. Do I regret that it was used that way? I certainly do. But you really got to go some to try to portray me as a racist."
After the phone interview, a stray comment of his on the issue was also recorded before he hung up: "I don't think I should take any s*** from anybody on that, do you?"
But outside a Pittsburgh campaign event Tuesday, a reporter asked Clinton what he had meant "when you said the Obama campaign was playing the race card on you?"
Clinton responded: "When did I say that and to whom did I say that?"
"You have mischaracterized it to get another cheap story to divert the American people from the real urgent issues before us, and I choose not to play your games today," Clinton added.
"I said what I said -- you can go back and look at the interview, and if you will be real honest you will also report what the question was and what the answer was. But I'm not helping you."
Clinton did not respond when asked what he meant when he charged that the Obama campaign had a memo in which they said they had planned to play the race card.
Meanwhile, at a Pittsburgh press availability on Tuesday, Obama was asked about Clinton's charge that his campaign had drawn up plans to use "the race card."
"Hold on a second,'' he said. "So former President Clinton dismissed my victory in South Carolina as being similar to Jesse Jackson and he is suggesting that somehow I had something to do with it?"
"You better ask him what he meant by that. I have no idea what he meant. These were words that came out of his mouth. Not words that came out of mine.''
So you said you had a memo, Mr. Clinton that Barack Obama uses the race card and that he planned to use it on you from the beginning of the campaign?
I'd like to hear Romney or Ryan mention that.
"We find it irresponsible and offensive that Barack Obama continues to send out his surrogates to slander myself and my campaign with remarks about my having killed people and committed felonies and then denying the attacks have even taken place. Now he has what he called the "secretary of explaining stuff" for his campaign accusing us of racist attacks with absolutely no evidence of any ill intentions. Considering in 2008, Mr. Clinton described for the American people how he had verifiable proof that Obama had planned to use the race card on him and that it was a cheap story meant to divert the attention of Americans, I am disappointed that Mr. Clinton would let himself be used in such a way and I am saddened we live in a time where the President of our nation, a man who claims he wants to be a model for 100% of the people would continue to run such a dirty campaign. I have faith that the goodness of the American people will grow weary of the politics of personal destruction and seek a more hopeful future where we base our debates on ideas and not divisiveness and hate."